The Connected Corpus is a work in progress created by Christiana Olfert. For questions about the project, problems with the site, or to suggest a connection, please contact christiana [dot] olfert [at] tufts [dot] edu.
Corinne Gartner and Adele Watkins are Assistant Editors for the Republic. The editorial team solicits contributions to the site and we vet, review, and edit all annotations prior to publication.
Development of the Republic was funded by a generous award from the Tufts Springboard Awards and by a Knapp Faculty Research Grant in the Social Sciences through the Wellesley College Knapp Social Science Center.
Special thanks for their contributions and support:
Our Research Assistants for the Republic: Tang Li (Tufts), William Roush (Tufts), Stella Chiari (Wellesley), Lauren Kim (Wellesley), and Ozy Odocha (Wellesley)
The students of PHIL 151 at Tufts University, Fall 2022 and 2023
Corinne Gartner and the students of PHIL 305 at Wellesley College, Spring 2024
Patricia Marechal and the students of PHIL 110 at the University of California, San Diego, Fall 2023
Allison Piñeros Glasscock and her students Armand Babakhanian and Jack Romp at Georgia State University, Spring 2024
Sebastiano Belleggia, James Clay, and Wooseok Kim at Columbia University
The Knowledge Futures team, especially Catherine Ahearn
Jennifer Ferguson, Andrea Schuler, Kaylen Dwyer, and Micah Saxton of Tisch Library
Greg Crane and the Perseus Digital Library